

来源:诊断病理学杂志 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-05-15

1 cardiovascular心血管的。

Vision problems may sometimes be the only symptom a person has of a serious cardiovascular condition, a new case report suggests.

[2] In the case, a 77-year-old man in Greece experienced three short episodes of blurred vision in his right eye. The five-minute episodes stretched over an hour in total, and after each episode, his vision returned to normal.

[3] Concerned about this sudden problem, the man went to the eye clinic at his local hospital.

[4] An eye exam showed that the man’s vision was good, and the pressure within his eyes was normal. But when the man’s pupils22 pupil瞳孔。were dilated and a doctor looked more closely into his eyes, the culprit was revealed: A blood clot was blocking the blood supply in a branch of his retinal3retinal视网膜的。artery44 artery动脉。, according




[4]视力检查显示,这位老人的视力很好。眼压也属正常。但是当老人的瞳孔放大,一位医生仔细检查了他的眼睛后,发现了导致其视力模糊的罪魁祸首:一个血栓阻挡了视网膜动脉一个分支的血液供to the report of the man’s case.

[5] Such clots are typically made out of cholesterol5cholesterol胆固醇。and clumps of platelets66 platelet血小板。(blood cell fragments), and in the case,the clot came from the man’s carotid7carotid颈动脉的。artery, the main artery that brings blood to the head and neck, said Dr. Ilias Georgalas, an assistant professor of ophthalmology88 ophthalmology眼科。at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, in Greece.

[6] But the tiny clot was a serious health problem—people with a blockage in the eye’s central or branch retinal artery have a high risk of a serious or fatal stroke9stroke中风。, said Georgalas, who treated the man and was one of the coauthors of the case report published on-Nov. 25 in theNew England Journal of Medicine.应,病例报告中这样写道。



Vision problems and heart disease

[7] The case highlights the fact that visual symptoms can be a warning sign of a cardiovascular problem, Georgalas told Live Science.

[8] The 77-year-old man had no history of eye problems, but he had high cholesterol levels and had been taking statin drugs10statin drugs他汀类药物。for the past five years to reduce his cholesterol.

[9] The man was diagnosed with “amaurosis fugax”11一时性黑蒙,表现为头晕,视物模糊,突然出现的双目失明,视野缺失经常在5—19分完全恢复。, a condition in which a



[8]这位77岁的老人没有眼部疾病史,但是他的胆固醇很高,并且在过去的五年内一直在服用他汀类药物来降低胆person loses vision in one eye, usually for a few minutes at a time, because of an interruption of blood flow in an artery.

[10] The clot in the man’s eye was a fragment of a plaque12plaque血小板,斑块。that had formed in the man’s right carotid artery, and then traveled through his bloodstream and landed in one of the smaller branches of the retinal artery in his eye, Georgalas said. This temporarily closed off the blood supply to his right eye, which explains the man’s blurred vision, he said.

[11] Examining the eyes is an easy way for doctors to have a look at the vascular13vascular血管的。system, the network of blood vessels in the body, which includes the arteries and veins, Georgalas said. It’s very rare for a vascular problem in other parts of the body to not be seen in the blood vessels within the eyes, he said.

[12] For this Greek man, his blurred vision led doctors to detect that the blood flow through his right internal carotid artery was 80 percent blocked because of atherosclerosis14atherosclerosis动脉粥样硬化。, or hardening of the arteries.
